윈속 에러 코드 값
에러 메시지 |
에러번호 |
"WSAEINTR: Interrupted system call" |
10004 |
"WSAEBADF: Bad file number" |
10009 |
"WSACCESS: Permission denied" |
10013 |
"WSAEFAULT: Bad address" |
10014 |
"WSAEINVAL: Invalid argument" |
10022 |
"WSAEMFILE: Too many open files" |
10024 |
"WSAEWOULDBLOCK: Operation would block" |
10035 |
"WSAEINPROGRESS: Operation now in progress" |
10036 |
"WSAEALREADY: Operation already in progress" |
10037 |
"WSAENOTSOCK: Socket operation on non-socket" |
10038 |
"WSAEDESTADDRREQ: Destination address required" |
10039 |
"WSAEMSGSIZE: Message too long" |
10040 |
"WSAEPROTOTYPE: Protocol wrong type for socket" |
10041 |
"WSAENOPROTOOPT: Bad protocol option" |
10042 |
"WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: Protocol not supported" |
10043 |
"WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: Socket type not supported" |
10044 |
"WSAEOPNOTSUPP: Operation not supported on socket" |
10045 |
"WSAEPFNNOSUPPORT: Protocol family not supported" |
10046 |
"WSAEAFNNOSUPPORT: Address family not supported by protocol family" |
10047 |
"WSAEADDRINUSE: Address already in use" |
10048 |
"WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: Can't assign requested address" |
10049 |
"WSAENETDOWN: Network is down" |
10050 |
"WSAENETUNREACH: Network is unreachable" |
10051 |
"WSAENETRESET: Net dropped connection or reset" |
10052 |
"WSAECONNABORTED: Software caused connection about" |
10053 |
"WSAECONNRESET: Connection reset by peer" |
10054 |
"WSAENOBUFS: No buffer space available" |
10055 |
"WSAEISCONN: Socket is already connected" |
10056 |
"WSAENOTCONN: Socket is not connected" |
10057 |
"WSAESHUTDOWN: Can't send after socket shutdown" |
10058 |
"WSAETOOMANYREFS: Too many references, can't splice" |
10059 |
"WSAETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out" |
10060 |
"WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused" |
10061 |
"WSAELOOP: Too many levels of symbolic links" |
10062 |
"WSAENAMETOOLONG: File name too long" |
10063 |
"WSAEHOSTDOWN: Host is down" |
10064 |
"WSAEHOSTUNREACH: No Route to Host" |
10065 |
"WSAENOTEMPTY: Directory not empty" |
10066 |
"WSAEPROCLIM: Too many processes" |
10067 |
"WSAEUSERS: Too many users" |
10068 |
"WSAEDQUOT: Disc Quota Exceeded" |
10069 |
"WSAESTALE: Stale NFS file handle" |
10070 |
"WSAEREMOTE: Too many levels of remote in path" |
10071 |
"WSASYSNOTREADY: Network SubSystem is unavailable" |
10091 |
10092 |
"WSANOTINITIALISED: Successful WSASTARTUP not yet performed" |
10093 |
"WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: Host not found" |
11001 |
"WSATRY_AGAIN: Non-Authoritative Host not found" |
11002 |
11003 |
"WSANO_DATA: Valid name, no data record of requested type" |
11004 |