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CPPUnit: error C3505: cannot load type library ‘{80CC9F66-E7D8-4DDD-85B6-D9E6CD0E93E2}’ - What’s it?

I just tried to compile CPP Unit Under Visual C++ 2008. Compiler. There was one problem When I tried to compile MFC Test Runner.

.\MsDevCallerListCtrl.cpp(67) : error C3505: cannot load type library ‘{80CC9F66-E7D8-4DDD-85B6-D9E6CD0E93E2}’
.\MsDevCallerListCtrl.cpp(67) : fatal error C1104: fatal error importing libid: ‘80cc9f66-e7d8-4ddd-85b6-d9e6cd0e93e2′

CPP Unit using IDE Automation component to track the source lines in the MFCTest runner. Version cppunit-1.12.0 currently support till version 7 of IDE Automation. I’ve only version 2008 of Visual Studio installed in my machine. So just correct the version number in MsDevCallerListCtrl.cpp file

#pragma warning( disable : 4278 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4146 )
#import “libid:80cc9f66-e7d8-4ddd-85b6-d9e6cd0e93e2″ version(”9.0″) lcid(”0″) raw_interfaces_only named_guids
#pragma warning( default : 4146 )
#pragma warning( default : 4278 )

For more Information Check

How to: Add References to the EnvDTE and EnvDTE80 Namespaces


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